Gerrianne Hartman, LNHA, MA
Senior Consultant
Product Improvement Specialist
As a Senior Consultant at Achieve Accreditation and Product Improvement Specialist, Gerrianne Hartman holds dual roles in providing hands-on accreditation consulting services in both the skilled nursing and assisted living industry. She has been working with Achieve Accreditation since 2007. Her career passion has always been person centered care. Gerrianne will soon celebrate her thirty-year career anniversary in the senior living industry while serving twelve of those years in the role of nursing home administrator. She holds a master’s degree in Gerontology and is a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator. Her favorite thing about working with Achieve Accreditation is when she gets the opportunity to provide resources and suggestions to make a client's job easier, to improve quality of care, and to assist with Joint Commision standards compliance. Gerrianne enjoys traveling with her family, yoga, gardening, and cheering on Chicago sports teams.